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AED 40 years promotion

AED Group celebrates its 40th anniversary in 2025 with exclusive promotions! Enjoy a 40% discount on rentals of AED brands (AED Audio, Luxibel, NEXT Truss, NEXT StageLIFT and Redot LED), plus the unique "Pay for 12 days, use for a year" deal.
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Lamps & Refurbs

Join the Bulk order for Barco projectors and stay illuminated!
AED Display organizes centralized bulk orders twice a year, with free stocking for bare lamps at their headquarters, and offers 100% genuine products with pre-payment required. For refurbishment services, AED provides measurement reports and warranties, and customers can schedule refurbishments by filling out the form here below.
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Where a lightweight Fresnel spotlight using daylight characteristics with compact size and high efficiency is needed, ARRI Daylight Fresnels are the preferred choice. ARRI's elegant modular construction, using corrosion-resistant aluminium extrusions and lightweight die castings, offers great structural strength and weather resistance. Together with ARRI Electronic High Speed Ballasts, this rugged HMI Fresnel is ideal for all types of location lighting.
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The Vanish ST(Vanish Solid Touring) Series is designed to provide exceptional value for your touring, festival and outdoor live events needs. Its innovative engineering and high efficiency make it an ideal and dependable choice for event organizers, AV rental companies, and production professionals who seek a high-quality LED panel with a great return on investment.

Engineered to excel in a wide range of applications, the Vanish ST LED panel is adaptable and has excellent visual performance. The solid Vanish ST Series is fully interchangeable with the transparent Vanish V8T LED panel. This compatibility allows you to seamlessly integrate the VST with your existing V8T LED panels, maximizing the usability of your rental once. HY B-Eye K15 Aqua is reliable and effective, whatever the weather!
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